Time travel talk for Science Week 2024 from speaker and presenter Colin Stuart

The Ultimate Guide to Time Travel

A time travel talk for Science Week 2024 from speaker and presenter Colin Stuart

Few people know that time travel isn’t just possible – it has already been done.

In this mind-expanding talk, students will hear the stories of people who have travelled into their own futures and lived to tell the tale. And how you rely on the same physics whenever you use the map on your smartphone.

We’ll also look at messy time travel paradoxes, from if it’s possible to kill a baby Hitler to the fact that the free will you think you have is probably a stubbornly persistent illusion.

This is physics at its most interesting, guaranteed to get students thinking deeply and seeing the world anew during Science Week 2024.

Time: Ten Things You Should Know - the basis of Colin's philosophy talks for schools

Time: 10 Things You Should Know


This talk is based on Colin’s recent book about time. It was included in the Waterstones Best Popular Science Books of 2021. Here is what other notable authors have had to say about it:

“Such an enjoyable read. Full of delightful nuggets that you will want to impress your friends and family with”

Prof Jim Al-Khalili

“Beautifully written and crystal clear. This is one of the best books on the subject I’ve read in, well, a very long time!”

Prof Lewis Dartnell

“This lovely, fascinating book blends history, geology, chemistry, philosophy and, of course, physics in a way that’s delightful to read. It’s easy to understand, yet full of mind-boggling ideas”

– Abigail Beall

What teachers say about Colin’s talks…

Secondary - Testimonial 3
Secondary - Testimonial 4
Secondary schools talks - Testimonial 1
Secondary - Testimonial 5
Colin Stuart - a speaker and presenter offering time travel talks for Science Week 2024

Colin Stuart is a multi-award-winning astronomy author, speaker and presenter.

His twenty books have sold more than 400,000 copies worldwide and been translated into 22 languages. Plus he’s written over 200 popular science articles for publications including The Guardian, New Scientist, The Wall Street Journal and BBC Science Focus

As well as writing a book with the astronaut Tim Peake, he’s won The Margaret Mallett Award for Children’s Non-Fiction and the AAS Solar Physics Popular Media award. A Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Colin has appeared on BBC News, Sky News and Radio 5Live. The asteroid (15347) Colinstuart is named after him, recognition from the International Astronomical Union for his efforts to popularise astronomy.

Prices (2023/2024)

Virtual (Zoom) talks

1 talk – £250

2 talks – £375

3 talks – £500

4 talks – £625

5 talks – £750


One Zoom talk can take place across multiple classrooms at the same time or to a whole year group in the hall


In school visits

1 talk – £600

2 talks – £900

3 talks – £1200

4 talks – £1500

5 talks – £1800

Signed books are an integral part of both in-school and virtual talks 

Want to book a talk for Science Week 2024?

Get in touch for a quote and to discuss availability

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