by Colin Stuart | Jun 21, 2017 | Astronomy, Explainer, Thoughts
Do you ever get the sense that you’re being lied to? That those around you have fed you untruths your entire life and no-one else seems to question it? I’m not talking about the latest twists in the current crazy political landscape or any half-baked...
by Colin Stuart | Jan 29, 2015 | Astronomy news, Uncategorised
The Hubble Space Telescope is the gift that keeps on giving. For more than 20 years now it has been churning out spectacular views of the cosmos. And this latest image of the galaxy NGC 7714 is no exception. It beautifully illustrates how, over time, gravity...
by Colin Stuart | Jan 28, 2015 | Astronomy news, Uncategorised
Astronomers have used the Very Large Telescope in Chile to image the ethereal gas cloud known as CG4. It is an example of a ‘cometary globule’ – long, stretched out clouds of gas that are reminiscent of comets. They were first discovered in...
by Colin Stuart | Jan 27, 2015 | Astronomy news, Uncategorised
Back in 2012, astronomers uncovered the first ring system in another solar system. Now they have released details of its dimensions and possible evidence of alien moons nestled within. The rings encircle the planet J1407b. As the planet orbits its star, its set of...
by Colin Stuart | Jan 23, 2015 | Book Reviews, Uncategorised
As a science writer I am very fortunate that English is such a beautiful language with a wide and varied vocabulary. It allows me to describe the fascinating – and often complex – world of modern astronomy. But in an intriguing thought experiment,...