Next week I’ll be in Helsinki, speaking at the Upgraded Life Festival about why healthcare professionals and astronomers should work together more.
At first the fit might not seem obvious. What do those who diagnose disease have in common with people studying stars? The answer is a lot more than you think. In a recent opinion piece for Medtech Engine I set out some exciting benefits of when doctors and space scientists team up. Diagnosing cancer, fighting bacteria and improving heart surgery are just some of them.
By sharing the resources we already have we can focus our efforts on breaking new ground and truly innovating
These examples are a testament to the power of collaboration. Of experts in different fields talking to one another and not becoming entrenched in their own silos. What’s the benefit of two independent teams coming up with the same solution to a similar problem twice? By sharing the resources we already have, we can focus our efforts on breaking new ground and truly innovating.
Could your organisation benefit from hearing about the power of breaking down silos? From learning about how successful it has been in fields as far apart as medicine and astronomy? If so, get in contact with me now about what I can offer.